The Truth Matters
Our goal at Sentry Service Polygraph is to provide our clients with affordable and professional services that meet or exceed all ethical and confidential standards within the polygraph field today. We pride ourselves on being recommended by law enforcement and prosecutors, and our results are taken into consideration on cases under investigation or if/how the government will proceed or not proceed with criminal or civil cases. Many cases we get involved in are, "he said she said" cases, where little or no evidence for and/ or against either party is present, which is why our goal and obligation to every client is to provide them with the most accurate and unbiased examination possible, without any outside influences. Our staff examiners are educated and licensed professionals within the field of polygraph and have worked within or retired from law enforcement, military, and educational related fields, which provide our firm with the diversity to provide services to our clients.
Having this diversity, we can choose the best examiner to handle your case, based on his or her prior experiences. Our commitment to our clients has and always will be conducted professionally, with the utmost integrity, honesty and most importantly, treating every client respectfully. At Sentry Service Polygraph, we understand that every individual has experienced the ups and downs of life, which no one is exempt from. It is our responsibility and duty to treat every client like we would want to be treated if faced with the same situation and provide not only professional services, but also a level of personal understanding, and compassion while dealing with their private situations.

Certified Techniques:
DLST (Directed Lie Screening Test)
UTAH CQT (Utah Comparison Question Testing)
Federal ZCT
Federal You Phase
Scoring Technique:
ESS-M (Empirical Scoring System - Multinomial) is an important update to the statistical reference distributions and decision model for the ESS.
Testing For:
Civil - Criminal Cases​
Workers' Comp / Disability Fraud​
Sexual Assault Allegations​
Domestic Violence Allegations​
Addiction Problems / Drug Use​
Proof of Innocence - Criminal Defense​
Pre-Employment Screening for Police & Government Agencies
PSCOT Certified